liquid composite molding meaning in Chinese
- Liquid composite molding ( lcm ) is a close operation whereby a dry preform is placed between matched moulds and impregnated with a liquid resin
复合材料液体模塑成型技术( liquidcompositemolding ,简称lcm )是指用液态树脂直接浸润模腔中的纤维预成型体进行成型的一类工艺。 - The vacuum infusion molding process ( vimp ) is becoming increasingly popular as a new type of liquid composites molding process for the production of large composite parts with complex geometry , whose outstanding process properties make it the most competitive manufacturing technology with high quality and low cost
真空注射成型工艺(简称vimp )是一种制备大型、加筋异型、几何形状复杂构件的复合材料液体模塑成型新技术。 vimp优越的工艺性能使其成为当今国际上炙手可热的高性能低成本复合材料制造技术。